1 - Legal information

Juris Initiative is an association created under the Act of 1901 (registered at the Prefecture of Paris under reference number 00163524 P). Its registered office is located 10, rue de Presbourg, 75016 Paris - Tel. +33 (0)1 53 64 70 00 / Fax +33 (0)1 53 64 70 09 / contact@juris-initiative.net

Chairman: Christophe Basset
General Secretary: Thierry Levy-Mannheim
Treasurer: François Vignalou

The director of publication for the website is Christophe Basset, as Chairman of Juris Initiative.

2 - Website Ownership

This website (hereinafter "Website") is owned by Juris Initiative. It has been designed by the Company SPIREA.
The Content of the Website means the general structure, texts, images whether animated or not and sounds included in the Website.
Any total or partial representation of this Website and of its contents, by whatever means, without the express prior authorization of Juris Initiative, is prohibited and shall constitute an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.
Information provided on this Website is only indicative. Consequently, this information can in no way be considered as a binding offer.
Juris Initiative can not be held liable for any errors, omissions, unavailability of information or services on the Website.

3 - License to use the Website Content

By merely connecting to the Website, the user acknowledges to accept a license by Juris Initiative to use the Website Content, which is strictly limited to the following mandatory conditions:

This license, granted on a non-exclusive basis, is not transferable to another person.
The reproduction on paper of information contained on the Website is authorized under three conditions:

- Free distribution,
- Respecting the integrity of the reproduced information: no modifications or alterations of any kind,
- The clear and readable quotation of the source as follows: “This document comes from the Juris Initiative website available at the following URL www.juris-initiative.net. Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited”.

The Content of the Website shall in no circumstances be used for commercial or advertising purposes.

Any other use is subject to the express prior authorization of Juris Initiative.

Breach of these provisions subjects the offender and all responsible persons to criminal and civil penalties provided by French law.

4 – Personal Data Protection

When you contact us, Juris Initiative processes personal data relating to you in order to reply to your requests. Data can be transferred to this purpose, as necessary, to attorneys of the Juris Initiative network and those working with them.

According to Article 34 of the Data Protection Law n ° 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have rights to access, modify, correct and delete personal data relating to you and to object to the data processing. You can exercise these rights by sending a message to contact@juris-initiative.net or by postal mail to our headquarters.

It is prohibited to use the contact details of Juris Initiative members and other personal data relating to them available on this Website for marketing purposes. However, you can freely send to Juris Initiative members requests for information or legal information in their respective areas.

5 - Trademarks

Juris Initiative Trademarks on the Website are registered trademarks.

Total or partial reproduction of these trademarks without the express authorization of Juris Initiative is thus prohibited. You can contact us to this purpose by sending us a letter to our headquarters.

6 - Links

Juris Initiative cannot be held liable for hypertext links set up in this website towards other resources on the Internet.
You can set up a link between your website and this Website by typing the following HTML command:
<a href="http://www.juris-initiative.net">Juris-initiative</a>
As soon as the link with this Website has been created, we ask you:

1. To notify us by e-mail to contact@juris-initiative.net or by postal mail to our headquarters;
2. To include our logo which we will send you in response to your mail;
3. To display our Website in a new window.

7 - Web Hosting

OVH provides the hosting of this website. The OVH headquarters are located at 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France. Phone +33 (0) 8 203 203 63.

The Website is based on the content management system Typo3. Typo3 is a freeware distributed under GPL.