Cecile Menu-Eisenchteter is a member of the Paris and New York Bars, with twenty-five years of experience on matters involving competition law issues, commercial contracts and consumer laws. Before creating her own practice in April 2012, she has worked within several international law firms: Jeantet & Associés, Coudert Frères, Norton Rose and August & Debouzy. Profile
Cecile Menu-Eisenchteter advises French and foreign companies on competition law issues such as abuses of a dominant position, cartels, antitrust damages, merger control, state aids, restrictive practices and unfair competition, before French and EU authorities as well as the courts of law.
She has extensive experience in numerous sectors of the economy and more particularly in the following industries and sectors: metal, aeronautical, petrol and chemical, healthcare, insurance, food and agriculture, automotive, water and energy distribution, communication and media, bio-energies and new technologies. Education
1995 – Master in Business Law, Paris I - Panthéon - Sorbonne 1996 – DEA in Private Law, Paris I - Panthéon - Sorbonne 1996 – Paris Bar Exam (CAPA), EFB Paris 1998 – LL.M. Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Massachusetts) 1999 – New York Bar Exam
 | « France : Draft Merger Control Guidelines » with Laure Givry, Corporate Counsel, May 2003.
|  | « The SEB/Moulinex decision and the new concept of the failing company defense under EC law » with Jean-Patrice de La Laurencie, Corporate Counsel, June 2002.
|  | « Le nouveau contrôle des concentrations, ombres et lumières » with Jean-Patrice de La Laurencie, L’AGEFI, May 2002.
|  | « Loi NRE : régulation de la concurrence », with Norton Rose Competition Team, in revue Lamy Droit des Affaires (n°40), July 2001. |