We are delighted to inform you that Anne-Solène Gay has just been selected for inclusion in the Eighth Edition of The Best Lawyers™ in France notably for her practice in Telecommunications Law.
The decree n°2017-159 dated 9 February 2017 on digital advertising services was published on 10 February 2017.
Adopted pursuant to article 131 of law n°2015-990 known as “Macron Act”, amending...
The 10 January 2017, the European Commission announced its draft regulation on privacy aims to reforming the e-privacy directive and to reinforcing the respect of individual’s private life in...
Anne-Solène Gay is delighted to inform you that BEHRING just won the Client Choice Award 2017 for its practice in telecommunications law.
The official list of selected firms is available on the...
To improve research and innovation in the health domain, the law n°2016-41 dated 26 January 2016 for the modernization of our health system created the national health data system.
This is a...
As Australia and the United-Kingdom previously did, France adopted a regulation enforcing plain packaging. Therefore, since 1 January 2017, only plain packages can be stored on the tobacconist...
The law n°2016-1547 dated 18 November 2016 for the modernization of the justice of the XXIst century has extended the right to class action in many areas and notably regarding personal data...
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