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Breaking News:

Artificial intelligence: the first rules already apply

The European regulation on artificial intelligence came into force on August 1, 2024, and is already partially applicable. It aims to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to protect people's rights and freedoms.

This new regulation affects organizations that develop AI systems and......

Publication of the ICLG (International Comparative Legal Guide) to Telecoms, Media & Internet 2025

The 2025 edition of the International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) on telecommunications, media, and Internet law has just been published.

BEHRING has authored the section dedicated to France. This chapter provides an in-depth analysis of the key regulations applicable to digital and......

New regulations on general product safety

The General Product Safety Regulation 2023/988 of May 10, 2023 (also known as the GPSR) came into force in the European Union on December 13, 2024.

This by-law repeals and replaces:

Directive 2001/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 3, 2001 on general product safety,......

Publication of the ICLG (International Comparative Legal Guide) to Telecoms, Media & Internet 2023

The 2023 International Comparative Legal Guide to Telecoms, Media & Internet has been published. BEHRING’s exclusive chapter for France is available here.

The complete Guide is now live on ICLG website and FREE to access here....


Formal notice issued by CNIL

The French data protection authority (CNIL) issued a formal notice on 10 February 2022 following a complaint filed by the association NOYB. The formal notice does not identify who it is directed at but according to a statement published by NOYB, the company most......

Publication of the ICLG (International Comparative Legal Guide) to Telecoms, Media & Internet 2022

The 2022 International Comparative Legal Guide to Telecoms, Media & Internet has been published. BEHRING’s exclusive chapter for France is available here.

The complete Guide is now live on ICLG website and FREE to access here.


BEHRING is listed in Tier 1 of the legal 500 ranking again

We are delighted to announce that BEHRING has once again this year ascended to Tier 1 in the Legal 500 ranking in the telecoms category, where Anne-Solène Gay, who founded the firm, also features as a notable lawyer in this sector....

Jeune Afrique Business+ ranking

We are delighted to announce that the founder of Parisian law firm BEHRING, which specialises in telecommunications, space and digital law, Anne-Solène GAY, has ascended to the sixth place (in a tie) in the Jeune Afrique Business+ ranking of business lawyers who made an impact in 2020, thus moving......

BEHRING has been selected by Best Lawyers™

We are delighted to announce that BEHRING has been selected to feature in the 12th edition of Best Lawyers™ in France 2022, in particular for its practice in Telecommunications Law where the firm has featured for several years running.


This ranking vindicates BEHRING’s expertise in the......

Connection data and national security: the French Administrative supreme court’s judgment

In a ruling dated April 21, 2021 informally known as “French Data Network” (CE, Ass., 21 Apr. 2021, n°393099), the French administrative supreme court (Conseil d’Etat) analysed the general obligation of retention of connection data imposed on telecommunications operators, internet service......

Consequences of Brexit on data protection

Regime of data transfers to the United Kingdom

As part of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement concluded on 24 December 2020, the United Kingdom and the European Union have agreed that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will continue to apply in the United Kingdom on a transitional basis......

BEHRING has made the cut in the Jeune Afrique Business+ ranking

We are delighted to announce that BEHRING has been selected to feature in the ranking of the 100 most influential business lawyers in French-speaking Africa. Anne-Solène Gay features in 10th position.

BEHRING frequently acts in several African countries in the context of large infrastructure......

‘Cookie walls’: The French administrative supreme court partly quashes the CNIL’s guidance

Following a claim brought by professional associations from the media, communications and digital marketing sectors, the Conseil d’Etat has quashed the guidance published by the French data protection authority (CNIL) related to the use of ‘cookies walls’. This practice is used by certain digital......

BEHRING has been selected by Best Lawyers™

We are delighted to announce that BEHRING has been selected to feature in the 11th edition of Best Lawyers™ in France 2021, in particular for its practice in Telecommunications Law where the firm has featured for several years running.

This ranking vindicates BEHRING’s expertise in the......

French Government adopted new decree for foreign investment control

The French Government adopted a decree published on January 1st regarding foreign investment control. This new regulation is the logical consequence of the adoption of the loi PACTE and aims to clarify the distinction between activities on listed sectors and R&D activities on strategic......

UFC-QUE CHOISIR v. Valve: to the consecration of a second-hand market for dematerialized video game? (TGI Paris, September 17, 2019, RG 16/01008)

On September 17, 2019, the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris (first degree civil jurisdiction) ruled against VALVE, following a lawsuit initiated in 2015 by the consumer association “UFC-Que Choisir”.

The Court judged that several clauses in the terms and conditions of the Stream platform......

The impact of the simplification law in respect of corporate law on the French Commercial Code

On 10 July 2019, the Parliament passed the law N°2019-744 of 19 July 2019 about the simplification, clarification and update of the corporate law (hereafter the “Law”).

Filed with the Senate on 4 August 2014 and having seen many of its initial provisions being integrated in different legislative......

Parliament adopts anti-Huawei law on 5G

On July 24th 2019, the Parliament passed a law to preserve the interests of the French defense and the national security within the framework of the exploitation of the mobile radio networks....

EU publishes regulations on drones and their exploitation

Two regulations of the European Union related to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and their operation were published in the Official Journal of the EU on June 11th 2019. These texts, which are directly applicable in the Member States, regulate all types of UAS and their uses in the territory of the......

The industrial property contributions of the Pacte Law

The Pacte Law adopted on May 22th, 2019 amends the French Intellectual Property Code on various points. The Government's primary objective in this area was to significantly increase the number of patent applications filed by SMEs. In fact, in 2017, requests made by SMEs accounted for only 19.5% of......

BEHRING has been selected by Best Lawyers™

We are delighted to inform you that BEHRING has just been selected for inclusion in the 10th Edition of Best Lawyers™ in France notably for its practice in Telecommunications Law.

The 10th Edition of Best Lawyers™ in France has been publicly released and is now available here....

Client Choice Award 2019 : BEHRING récompensé pour son activité en droit des technologies de l’information (It & Internet)

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que BEHRING a remporté le Client Choice Award pour son activité en droit des technologies de l’information (IT & Internet). ...

A record-€50 millions fine for GOOGLE by the CNIL – The French Privacy Protection Authority

On January 21st, the CNIL sanctioned Google with a €50 million fine pursuant to the GDPR for lack of transparency, default of user’s information and a lack of valid consent during processing of personal data for personalized advertising purposes.

This sanction follows class-action-like collective......

Publication of the Global Legal Insights to: Employment & Labour Law 2019

The Global Legal Insights to: Employment & Labour Law 2019 has been published. Galion Avocats exclusive chapter for France is available here. ...

Publication of the International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media & Internet Laws 2019

The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Telecoms, Media & Internet Laws 2017 has been published....

Décideurs Afrique 2018 Ranking: Anne-Solène GAY awarded!

Anne-Solène GAY is proud to announce his ranking as one of the best Africa Desk TMT practice by Leaders League’s Décideurs. Distinguished as having a strong reputation, Décideurs acknowledged the experience of BEHRING’s founding partner Anne-Solène GAY in both public and private sector deals.......

“Pacte Dutreil” exemption scheme: New rules to be enacted for 2019

The « Pacte Dutreil » exemption scheme, codified in Section 787 B of the French Tax Code, aims at facilitating the free transfers of businesses by exempting 75% of the company’s value from gift tax and/or inheritance tax, provided that several conditions – notably the undertaking of collective and......

Transposition of the new GDPR provisions – Publication of Decree n° 2018-687

Following the adoption of GDPR, France started to transpose this new European regulatory framework regarding data protection within its legal system. France thus made a first step in this process, as Parliament adopted the Law n° 2018-493 which modifies the Law of 1978 regarding personal data.


Publication of Law n° 2018-670 related to the protection of trade secrets

Following the adoption of the Directive (EU) 2016/943 of 8 June 2016 on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure, EU Member States are now putting in place reforms aiming to establish a legal protection......

The opening of bank data to Fintechs

The Directive n°2015/2366 of 25 November 2015 on payment services in the internal market known as "PSD2" came into effect on 13 January 2018. This Directive which aims to develop innovative payment services has been implemented into French law by the order n°2017-1252 of 9 August......